Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Reading

Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Reading

from $60.00
Type of Session:

For a first session with me, I recommend the Initiation Reading which is of 45 minutes. In the Initiation Reading, we do 1 general spread together which addresses multiple aspects of your intention in meeting me. If we have time we also pull additional cards as needed.

In the Deep Dive Session – we can cover multiple questions and topics, do many spreads and go truly in depth, beyond the general intention and into the roots, the minute details. We can deeply explore any topic that is relevant to your present moment, from relationship dynamics, to inner archetypes, or explore the energy of the next few months, and give you detailed guidance according to your needs.

The Relationship Reading invites us to reflect on the dynamics within any type of relationship you would like more clarity and understanding on. We explore your side of things, their side and what unites you both, as well as the ego vs the soul and how these different parts interconnect, as well as guidance to help you both show up in an empowered way, moving forward in the relationship.

I’ve added the Soul Essence Session in which we connect deeply to your unique energetic signature and gifts. The basis of all my tarot readings is to gradually transition from the nagging ego questionning, to the depth of guidance your own soul posesses. In this session we connect to your unique energy that wants to be seen and aknowledged going forward.

In the Special Birthday / New Year Reading we explore your year to come, from the general theme, to the energy of each month, to the specific mental, emotional, spiritual and physical lessons and gifts coming your way. This is a great way to align with the natural energy that is coming into your life, release resistance and plan accordingly.

Session is held online via video call on Zoom, or in person in Salt Spring Island, BC (Canada). For the In Person option (Check-Out): Please email me so we can discuss location - We can meet at my space in Fernwood, we can also meet at Fernwood Cafe or Beachside Cafe… Or if you desire more comfort + privacy I can drive to your home.

Learn more about Tarot Readings here