Speaking Symbols
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A space to attune to your deeper felt senses

Words and Sounds to Guide Your Way Home

Using Divination and Sound as our Allies

A space to attune to your deeper felt senses ✤ Words and Sounds to Guide Your Way Home ✤ Using Divination and Sound as our Allies ✤


- Sound Bathing -

Join me at the Ganges Yoga Studio monthly for sound bathing events, or book yourself a private session (1-on-1, Couple, Groups).

Immerse yourself in sacred sounds that awaken your senses, nourish your cells and bring you into a deep state of relaxation. Soundscape of metal singing bowls, chimes, gong, drum, voice & ocean drum to guide you deeply on an inner journey.


- Tuning Fork Sessions -

I am now offering Tuning Forks sessions as a student of the Acutonics Student Level 1 & 2 at Our Gathering Clinic on Sundays. Acutonics is a non-invasive modality, where tuning forks are used on acupoints instead of needles – the vibratory sound of these instruments reverberate deep in our body, fascia and organs, helping to bring balance to our energy and emotions. The tuning forks applied to these points can conduct beneficial frequency to tone, relax, nourish or energize these energy lines. There can be a feeling of being ‘‘charged’’ after a session, replenishing our deeper reserves of energy and somatically bringing feeling back where there previously was stagnation.


- Divination -

In a Tarot & Oracle reading, I practice the art of seeing beyond and into images that reflect your life path, receiving information that guides your soul forward. It is said that each of our inhale can potentially be a connection to the divine above, taking in its unique perspective. In each tarot & oracle reading session, we open ourselves to receive reflections from the ethers, that helps us connect the dots about our life and see visually what we might be grapling with internally. This process of mirroring helps us to make better decisions, to mark chapters of our live symbolically and feel guided by the universe.


Meet Marie-Jeanne

Marie-Jeanne is a multi-passionate tarot reader and sound bath practitioner, born in Québec. Her spiritual and artistic practices have led her to explore the inner world of emotions, imagination, mythos and sound. She is a deep listener at heart, using her words and sounds to guide your way forward. Through the tools she uses, she has found a portal of deep reflection, divination and empowerment. She delivers every service with clarity and a compassionate approach to guide you back to your own authentic self in your life.




Your oracle read helped me so much to take the next steps with strength and feel supported doing so! Walking through the portal was so true and very positive indeed! I can’t thank you enough. (…) Truly, I can’t thank you enough for your intuitive read + graciousness while holding such a healing space for me, this really turned my anxieties into openness and a trust in divine support.
— Ali
I have been fortunate enough to experience two sound baths given by Marie Jeanne. I had never experienced this type of healing before and imagined going in to the space for relaxation purposes. Although I felt this, I also experienced a real grounding and stillness and connection to my body and the earth. I felt heavy, as if I could fall through the floor and felt almost a state of hypnosis being led by the sounds she created. It was magical - I can still recall the feeling of release and calm despite it being weeks ago.
— Katie

